Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bloody hell.

So much drama in my house right now, it's making my stomach hurt. I hate it when it gets like this.
It's irrelevant to the 'freaky shit' but I just wanted to say... bloody hell, this drama sucks.

Small update today. I saw Slendy on my way to the store and back. It's odd seeing him in the sunlight.
Like usual, I waved. He tilted his head and told me to stop. So I did. Which was good because some bozo sped around the corner and could've hit me.

I asked him why, and apparently he feels some odd ownership or something over me.
So, to be funny, I told him happy mother's day.
I don't think he got the joke.



  1. That just made me laugh so hard. Maybe we should try that with him. Get him a bit flowery bouquet or something. Hahaha. Oh that's gonna have me giggling for the rest of the night. Thank you for sharing.

    Also, sorry about the drama. We had that a little while ago here, it cleared up and got as good as new though. Hopefully the same happens for you. Well with the whole things getting better and all.

  2. Man, I forgot how ass retarded the drivers around here can be. I'm glad you're okay.

  3. The drama will eventually clear up. It always does. It's still a stressful pain in the ass in the meantime though.

    Glad I made you laugh. Feel free to try it. =p Let me know how he reacts.

    And yes. Retarded ass drivers here in Lame-town.

