Saturday, May 21, 2011


I just got back from the city. Went up there to root a friend of mine on in his first drag pageant.
He didn't win, but he didn't get last place either, but the judges didn't give him that much points because he wasn't.... Eh, how to say this...
The judges wanted BAM!drag, not convincable drag. They wanted whacked up-dos that real girls would never wear, makeup that looked unflattering, sequins, glitter, and back-up dancers and everything.
I don't like those judges.

I had a great weekend, partially in thanks to a psychic vampire that got a kick out of trying to drain me.
Now, don't start worrying about me letting a psychic vampire nom on me all day. I've got a surplus of energy thanks to my empathy. I feel and absorb the emotions of others and it tends to bottle up since I can't release it so it's a good thing that he kept feeding off of me.
I feel lighter and more relaxed.

Um... You probably are more interested in the 'freaky shit' part of it all (unless psychic vampires are freaky enough for you.) Let's see... I saw some graffiti related to him in the city. He wasn't around very much, mostly far away. That silly stretched feeling. He was closeby once. I saw him when the psychic vampire and I were on the padio of my friend's apartment having a smoke. He was standing off in the distance, half hidden by the corner and just watching.

Other than that? Nothing new to say.


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