Sunday, May 15, 2011


Kind of neat.



  1. Wait, what? I'm knocked out by allergies for one night and you get Mr. Fantastic's arms? How out of it was I?

  2. It wasn't Mr Fantastic's. Not quite as wibbily wobbily. Not entire sure how it worked, but it sure as hell wasn't superhero elastic arms.

    Kyo had climbed up onto the shelf above the cabinets in the kitchen and I needed to get him down because we have some breakables up there we can't replace. So I was reaching for him and trying to get him to jump down since I thought I'd startle him too much if I climbed onto the counters and just grabbed him.
    I felt a odd pop and next thing I know, I had a handful of kitty despite still being on the ground....

    It didn't last too long. Just long enough for me to grab the cat and then my arms were back to normal.

    HE was laughing at my surprise.

