Monday, May 16, 2011

Some thoughts...

If you don't know what I meant in the blog about the extendo-arms, go read the comments there. I don't feel like repeating myself. I'm still having issues comprehending what happened.
It wasn't the first time and if his amusement gives me any indication, it won't be the last.

Speaking of him, he's been keeping his distance from me - standing and watching from a distance.
I asked him why but that hardly helped clear things up.
Not safe.
I asked him what isn't safe.
Now, that confused and worried me so I said, "Don't you protect me?"
"If you're protecting me, why am I not safe?"

He chose not to elaborate and left for a while, as if to punish me for prying by making me feel that stretching sensation I get when he's gone.

Is it safe to say that things on my end are making less sense?


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