Sunday, April 10, 2011

Answering Some Questions

  • How long was He there for?
He was there for two or three hours
  • Did you feel anything from him?.
I could feel his presence, which is normal for me, but I also felt that I shouldn't pass him. It wasn't a threatening feeling though, just like... I don't know. Like someone at a store calmly saying, "Please come back later, we're closed."
It did irritate me since I needed to put something in my room, so I handed it to him and told him to throw it on my bed for me. Then I went back to the living room and watched some Doctor Who for a while.
  • How many people live with you?
I have three roommates.
  • I'll talk to Him when he comes by today (at least I think he'll be coming by).
If he does come around, feel free to try to talk to him about me. He hasn't been very keen on answering my questions right now and I'm only getting more curious as time goes by. And I'd really like to know why he changed me.
  • How long has he been stalking you?
I'm not entirely sure. Most of my childhood memories are fuzzy or gone, but I've found old papers from my early elementary school days. I used to write about him, so taking that into account and the fact that I've been done with required schooling for a while now... It's been a long, long time.
  • Just... don't be afraid. (...) Just stay calm when he comes around.
I've never been afraid of him and when he visits, I feel calm and at peace for the most part. Sure, he irritates me or gets me mad every now and then, but for the most part I actually like knowing and feeling that he's around.
And nowadays, when he's away, I feel like I'm being stretched and I don't like that feeling.


If anyone else has some questions, concerns, or anything, let me know and I'll be willing to answer them. Sharing what information I have may help someone else find answers and it may help me find answers.

And Kayomie, feel better soon sweetie!



  1. I'll try. I think a decongestant and a lot of sleep should take care of it. If I'm lucky and don't toss my cookies... Literally in this case.

  2. Apologies for my assumptions. Most people are really afraid when they see him. I guess I assumed it was the same. I was creeped out at first and more worried about my family thank anything.

    How is it that he changed you? What do you mean by that? Just curious and all.

    I want to do what I can to help you I guess I'm still uncertain as to what you need to have help with. I want to do what I can.

  3. Oh, no need to apologize Aiden. Like you said, most people are really afraid of him. I'm just a bit different.

    Hmm. He did something to me. It's why I can feel him when he's nearby and why I can tell when he's away. I'm connected to him. It's like part of him is inside of me, I guess.
    I think it's growing stronger too, I'm not sure. It's confusing.

    And there a few more things involved with that changing bit... I don't know if I imagined them or not, but I've... been getting some of his traits - if that makes any sense. I could've sworn, a handful of days ago, that my arm lengthened when I was trying to reach something on a high shelf. My nightvision, which is always been fairly good, seems to be getting better lately.

    Again, I'm not sure if I'm imagining this or not. But the longer time passes since he put that stuff into me, the more... different I feel.

    It doesn't really feel like a bad different though. It seems... natural almost? I don't know.

    I've just got so many questions and HE isn't answering me.


  4. Xi's special like that when it comes to not being scared by freaky things like that.

  5. I might have to consult Yggy about this....

    You're explaining a lot of... well a lot of traits I exibit, traits a hatchling exhibits.

    Do you have any siblings? A twin? Then again maybe they were wrong, they've been wrong before...

    I've just gotten really... thoughtful now. I'm gonna have to think this over.

  6. What is a hatchling?

    Yes, I have siblings. I'm the youngest of three, youngest of five if you count my two half-siblings. No twin though. And my siblings are unaffected by all of this.
    Only one of my siblings know about Slendy, but he has no idea about what's going on with me. He thinks Slendy's just an amusing Creepypasta.


  7. Heh, I'm still waiting on an answer as to what a hatchling is exactly. I believe I am one. I know one of my other friends is one as well. It's why we became closer friends. He's missing right now though so I can't ask him. I'm going to be sending Todd and Taben to look for him tomorrow. I hope he's alright. He never even told me he was leaving.

    He knew about all of this longer than I had. I'm not sure about anything anymore honestly. Slendy's told him there were five of us. Maybe there's more.

    As I said, a lot to think over at this point.

  8. Well, once you know let me know. XD
    And hopefully your missing friend is found safe and sound.

    Maybe there are only five. It could be possible that I'm not one and could be something else. I don't know. Slendy's not exactly the best at answering questions some days.

    We both have quite a bit to think over. So many questions, so many oddities. One day the answers will come.


  9. One can hope. I'd think that if you were though, He'd say something to you. When He's around and we ask questions he usually doesn't hesitate to answer them.

    Of course the one day I have millions of questions he doesn't come around. Durned paranormal monstrosities.

  10. The only thing he says in response to any of my questions is basically, "Not yet." Nothing other than that.
    He's waiting for something, but I don't know why.

    Oh, he's a fersnickity one. Sometimes he just loves being a bother. Right now, as I type this, he's wandering about outside my house. I think he's restless.


  11. That worries me a bit... You might want to keep something heavy nearby in case it's a proxy being an asshole.

  12. Ah, I remember those days... I kind of miss them. Kind of being the key word. I wish I could offer more assistance but I guess we just have to hang tight and wait it out. That's the part I always hate the most. The waiting.

    In the mean time, I hate to do it but I need to sleep. sleeping all day and still tiered. Yesterday was too draining on me. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask. Also my e-mail is open to you to contact me.

    Take care of yourself.

  13. Don't worry, Kayomie.
    I've got plenty of weapons in the house.
    Bokken, fencing swords, my Indian dancing blade, along with pocketknives. Then there's the weapons of opportunity. Books, my ashtray, and various other hard and heavy things.

    Waiting... Waiting always sucks.
    Goodnight Aiden. I'll talk to you some other time and email you if needed.
    Take care.

